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News & Events

nu@Fermilab conference, 21-25 July 2015 at Fermilab

nu@Fermilab conference, 21-25 July 2015 at Fermilab

This workshop will concentrate on neutrino theory/phenomenology. The idea is to have a (limited) number of ~20-30 min talks, leaving plenty of time for discussion sessions in between talks. We would like to invite you to come to Fermilab and participate in the workshop. In the coming decades, Fermilab will play a central role in the field of neutrino physics worldwide. Its short- and long-baseline neutrino program will provide an excellent benchmark to study neutrino interactions and oscillations, as well as to test for new physics in the neutrino sector. Additional and valuable information will come from the combination with data from atmospheric neutrinos, cosmology, neutrino telescopes, colliders and neutrinoless double beta decay experiments. In view of the upcoming opportunities in experimental neutrino physics, it is very relevant to advance as much as possible in our understanding of neutrino theory and phenomenology.

The program will cover a wide variety of topics, including:

  • long-baseline neutrino experiments
  • short-baseline opportunities to test the neutrino sector
  • non-accelerator neutrinos (e.g., atmospheric neutrinos, supernova, ultra high energy neutrinos)
  • origins of neutrino mixing and masses (e.g., flavor models, models for neutrino masses, bounds from colliders on heavy neutrinos, neutrinoless double beta decay experiments)
  • the role of neutrinos in cosmology (e.g., the impact of neutrinos on cosmological observables, possible connections between neutrinos and dark matter)

There is no registration fee, and we expect to have funds to support local expenses for some of the participants. All requests for support of local expenses must be submitted before May 10.

Registration is available through the indico webpage: