A Grand Delta(96) x SU(5) Flavour Model
1st of October 2013
Stephen F. King, Christoph Luhn, Alexander J. Stuart
M1.9 - Neutrino parameters
M1.11 - SUSY GUTs and TeV models
What is the discrete gauge symmetry of the R-parity violating MSSM?
1st of October 2013
Herbi K. Dreiner, Marja Hanussek, Christoph Luhn
M1.9 - Neutrino parameters
M1.11 - SUSY GUTs and TeV models
SUSY revisited
1st of October 2013
Claudia Hagedorn, Stephen F. King, Christoph Luhn
M1.10 (1) - Electroweak symmetry breaking
M1.11 - SUSY GUTs and TeV models
Higgs pair production in the NMSSM at the LHC
30th of September 2013
Ulrich Ellwanger
MX.1 - Other Physics
Global fit to Higgs signal strengths and couplings and implications for extended Higgs sectors
30th of September 2013
G. Belanger, B. Dumont, U. Ellwanger, J.F. Gunion , S. Kraml
MX.1 - Other Physics
Status of invisible Higgs decays
30th of September 2013
G. Belanger, B. Dumont, U. Ellwanger, J.F. Gunion , S. Kraml
M2.3 - DM and the LHC
LHC constraints on M_{1/2} and m_0 in the semi-constrained NMSSM
30th of September 2013
Debottam Das, Ulrich Ellwanger, Ana M. Teixeira
MX.1 - Other Physics
Higgs Couplings at the End of 2012
30th of September 2013
G. Belanger, B. Dumont, U. Ellwanger, J.F. Gunion, S. Kraml
MX.1 - Other Physics
Higgs Bosons at 98 and 125 GeV at LEP and the LHC
30th of September 2013
Genevieve Belanger, Ulrich Ellwanger, John F. Gunion, Yun Jiang , Sabine Kraml , John H. Schwarz
MX.1 - Other Physics
Two Higgs Bosons at the Tevatron and the LHC?
30th of September 2013
G. Belanger, U. Ellwanger, J.F. Gunion, Y. Jiang, S. Kraml
MX.1 - Other Physics